Monday, March 24, 2014

Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits? I Think Not!

Many of you may recall from the Facebook page last week that Gluten Free Friday was going to feature Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits. So what do ya think? How do they look?

Not very biscuit like, you say? You would be right. These are Cinnamon Crumb Cake Muffins. Why no biscuits, you ask? Because the biscuits were vile. There's simply no other way to put it. And even taking into account that I have succumbed to an invasion of gastrointestinal creatures who are hell bent on making my life miserable, leaving me to subsist on toast and ginger ale for the past couple days, it doesn't explain the complete lack of taste and revolting texture that I produced in said biscuits. I have to believe that they are representative of what a mud pie would taste like if you chose to actually eat it.

So, I popped those suckers in the trash because not even the wild creatures roaming in my back yard deserve anything that bad. Hey Darlin' Mark! Don't feel bad about missing out on this particular adventure. It would definitely lead you to question my motives and whether that life insurance policy might be somehow involved.

I will not be defeated though! I shall persist and return to the biscuit project soon and come out victorious! Until that time, let's talk Cinnamon Crumb Cake Muffins.

These little gems are very tasty. And very muffin-like in their texture. I would say ever so slightly more "chewy" than a wheat flour based muffin and the crumb topping could use a bit more butter I believe to help reduce some of the "raw" flour aftertaste I noted. But overall, nothing that would make someone pause and wonder what was going on with these muffins. As a matter of fact, son Corey wandered in around midnight from his return trip from Idaho and downed one without comment.

I believe I would increase the cinnamon in the muffin mix to a full teaspoon, but I like alot of cinnamon flavor. If you prefer a milder cinnamon taste, then stick with the 1/2 teaspoon. The recipe would also lend itself to other modifications such as the addition of cinnamon chips or toffee bits. Or maybe some chopped pecans in the crumb topping. Coconut would be a great flavor to consider as well.

Once again, I used the Namaste Perfect Flour Blend for this recipe. But the recipe itself came from I browsed through several of the recipes she has there for lots of baked goods and plan to give some more a try. Keep in mind that many commercially prepared GF flour blends may already contain xantham or guar gum. When using gluten free recipes be aware you may not need to add these ingredients if using one of those blends.

And now, without further delay, on to the recipe. I would be thrilled to provide more photos for you, but if you follow me on Facebook, you are aware that my camera cable has apparently entered some kind of witness protection program for photographic devices. Or I left it with Darlin' Mark in the Mississippi Mansion. Or it's just plain lost.

GF Cinnamon Crumb Cake Muffins  (makes 12 regular muffins)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, line muffin pan with paper or foil liners



2 1/3 Cup GF Flour Blend*
3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
1 Tbsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
1/8 Tsp Salt
1/8 Tsp Nutmeg
2 Large Eggs
1/2 Cup Melted Butter or Oil
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
*if flour blend does not contain xantham gum, add 3/4 tsp to dry ingredients


In large mixing bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients, form well in center of dry ingredients.
In medium bowl, mix all wet ingredients. 
Add wet ingredients to flour mixture and fold to mix until just moistened. Do not over mix. 
Let sit for 15 minutes while preparing crumb topping.

Crumb Topping


1/3 Cup GF Flour Blend
3 Tbsp Granulated Sugar
3 Tbsp Melted Butter
1 Tsp Cinnamon


Mix all dry ingredients in small bowl, add melted butter and combine until crumbly mixture. 

Fill muffin cups 2/3 full with batter and top with crumble topping. Bake in center of oven for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean or with few moist crumbs. 

Let cool on rack for 10-15 minutes. 

Muffins had best flavor and texture served warm. Retained taste and texture next day with warming in microwave. 

And if anyone needs a good recipe for Cinnamon Mud, just drop me a line. I've got one for you!

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