Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pancakes for Pops

It's Saturday morning, February 8th, 2014 and it's snowing. Again. And the weather forecast seems to think it may continue to snow every day from now until somewhere near the end of time. And as I have taken a solemn oath to not leave my house until the ground is green and I can step outside the door wearing less than three layers of clothing, I plan to just spend the weekend up to my elbows in flour, dough, frosting, chocolate and butter.

Saturday morning around here is also Sourdough Baby feeding day. That means I bring the little chilled yeasties out of the fridge and feed the quadruplets all at the same time. This consequently results in an abundance of discarded starter. And even though I have gallons of the stuff everywhere, I just can't bring myself to pitch a couple cups of it all at once.

As I stand in the kitchen staring at the starter my gaze wanders to the living room where Darlin' Mark and my Pops, Jim Jones, are staring at some sort of  "Man Stuff" on the TV. Realizing they will eventually require feeding as well this Saturday morning, sourdough pancakes it is! My one fatal error was asking Pops whether he preferred sausage or bacon with his pancakes. Which led to his "go to" response to most questions these days, "whatever." Like having an 87 year old teenager in the house. This response then led Darlin' Mark to attempt to extract a more defined answer from Pops as well. After approximately 10 minutes of "whatevers" and "I don't really cares," Darlin' Mark threw in the towel and headed to the kitchen to fry bacon.

I can't help you with any domestic disputes regarding types of breakfast meats or beverages or any other related tops that may arise in your own homes, but I can provide you with the recipe for some very yummy sourdough pancakes below. Get out the griddle and go!

Big, fat, fluffy sourdough pancakes!


Makes approximately 12 large or 15 medium pancakes

2 Cups Sourdough Starter (can use discard from feedings, does not have to be recently fed.)
1 Cup Milk
3 Large Eggs
1/4 Cup Melted Butter
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 3/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
1/4 Cup granulated Sugar
1 Tsp Baking Soda
2 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Pinch Salt

In medium mixing bowl whisk together starter, milk, eggs, butter and vanilla
In small mixing bowl whisk together flour, sugar, soda, powder and salt
Add dry ingredients to wet and whisk until well combined, may have a few lumps, this is ok

Heat griddle or non-stick skillet over medium heat, lightly oil or use cooking spray.
Drop approximately 1/3 cup batter onto hot griddle or skillet, cook on one side until edges just start to set and a few bubbles appear in center of pancake, flip and cook about 1-2 more minutes until cooked through.

Serve with butter, warm syrup or fruit toppings, powdered sugar. Whatever gets your motor running. 


Leftovers can be frozen and heated in microwave or toaster.

Now, dear readers, I must leave you to return to the kitchen. I have baguettes in the works and need to stir up frosting to get those Valentine cookies all prettied up today.

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